Friday, March 18, 2011

Why Am I a Christian?

My husband does the bulletin for church each week. We are trying to emphasize evangelism a lot. He put a section in the bulletin for people to "Testify" and tell others why they are a Christian. He asked me to write the first one.

There are a lot of things that go into the fact that I am a Christian. And I change and grow all of the time, especially since I began my degree in Bible. But I was thinking about it, and trying to put my finger on the reason I am a Christian. And that, I can do. I can put my finger on one person who, if it had not been for her, I would most likely not know Christ, much less be a Christ-follower. Here is the article that I wrote:

"Why am I a Christian? For me, it began when I was just three weeks old. My parents were not (and still are not) faithful Christians. They live a lifestyle that is contrary to Christianity in nearly every way. But for me, it was a grandmother. A grandmother who loved me, and saw the need for me to have God in my life. When I was just three weeks old, she began to keep me on Saturday nights, and she brought me to church every week. She allowed the influence of God and Christianity to come into my life. Even if I only saw the influence from Saturday afternoon through Sunday afternoon. Even if every other influence in my life was completely contrary to that weekly 24 hour period. And it made the difference. It made EVERY difference. Her influence led to the influence of some really great Spiritual giants. Friends, teachers, youth ministers, etc. I probably would not even know my husband if it had not all began when I was three weeks old. And I certainly would not know Christ.

Every Christian was influenced and led to Christ by someone. Who was it for you? And who will you influence and lead?"
-Hannah Burleson

One thing to think about is the fact that there are many other influences on my Christian walk aside from my grandmother. But the point is, she planted the seed and many others watered. And to God be the glory, He is helping me to stretch and grow all of the time. But I can put my finger on that one person who started the process in me. Each of us can be the one to start that process in someone else. Each Christian has the power of one. Don't underestimate your influence. Be empowered by it through God.

There is power in one.

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