Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Keeping Your Balance

Have you ever thought much about a pendulum? They swing all the way to the right, stop for just a moment, only to swing in the opposite direction, all the way to the left, where they stop for another moment, only to swing right again. They only stop at the extreme right or at the extreme left. They never stop anywhere in the middle.

One of my instructors at Heritage Christian University blessed me with a little piece of information. He encouraged me to always aim to stay balanced. He uses the illustration of a pendulum swinging. It seems that when we are raised believing one way, and ultimately study to discover that our beliefs were not entirely correct, we tend to react in a way that we swing the opposite direction. Often, if we are not careful, we can swing too far in the opposite direction.

I've found, as I've learned more about the Bible and how to study it and what I believe, that it is very easy to swing like that pendulum. It takes a lot of effort to try and maintain balance in everything. It's easy to develop a bitter attitude when I realize that something I have always believed is not entirely correct. And I have to work to try and maintain balance. And I have to work to maintain a Christ-like attitude and mindset, as I strive to become who He wants me to be.

In my time at HCU, I feel like everything I have always believed has been questioned and stripped away from me, as I have learned not to just accept everything without studying it. There are a lot of things that have led me to think, "is that really Scriptural?" And as I've studied, I've found that a lot of things I've believed were clear are actually not so clear. I regret that I may have developed some bitter attitudes that were not always what Christ would have me to be. And I am sorry for that. My husband and I have always firmly believed that if people know you love them and if you tell them in the right way, you can tell them anything. And we have seen that proven true in numerous situations. I want to seek to have an attitude so that people know I love them and I want to have the wisdom to approach people in the right ways so that God can, though me, reach more. I pray that God will mold me into that type of person.

I want to encourage you to think about the pendulum as you grow in your walk with Christ. Try not to be like the pendulum, stopping only at the extreme right or at the extreme left. Instead, seek to be in the middle. Strive to be balanced and to be as much like Christ in your approach as you possible can.

I am not an advocate of the "liberal" and "conservative" distinctions that Christians make between themselves and their brothers and sisters in Christ. I think making those distinctions is not Christ-like and I believe it only harms the impact that we can have on the lost. However, I believe that if we were all aware of this pendulum effect, and we all sought to try to control it better, rather than letting ourselves react in an erroneous way, more people would land closer to the middle. And the church would result in being more united. And since God longs for his people to be in unity, that result would bring a smile to His face.

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